The Human Project is a video series created by Apologetics Canada and Power to Change. This four-part series explores our humanity through the lens of Christianity. Each session begins with a short story designed to encourage discussion on culturally significant questions concerning who and what we are. This time of discussion is followed by a teaching segment that helps us develop a correct view of our humanity in light of who God is, followed by more discussion. This versatile resource can be used by anyone to facilitate a discussion on the gospel in a variety of settings, including private homes, churches, schools, and coffee shops.




In his book, Reclaimed, Andy Steiger points to Jesus as the basis for rediscovering our common ground and our shared humanity. In Jesus we find not only that humans are unique, valuable, and bearers of rights and responsibilities, but also that our dehumanizing tendencies--our worst inclinations toward inhumanity--can be redeemed and restored. Jesus enables us to be fully human, and it's in him that we rediscover the kind of relationships and society for which so many people today are longing.

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What is Human?

History teaches that people are capable of truly terrible acts when we do not recognize each other's humanity, but how do we see each other and ourselves correctly? In this session, we'll challenge dehumanizing perspectives and explore how Jesus' answer humanizes.

Filming Location: Uganda


What is the Value of Human Life?

We often hear it said that people have inherent value, equality, and rights that can't be taken away, but on what basis? In this session, we'll discuss worldviews that devalue us and consider how Christianity confirms our immeasurable value when we see God correctly.

Filming Location: Portland, OR, USA


What Leads to Human Flourishing?

The 21st century is full of conveniences and we are increasingly tempted to live for ourselves, but is this a life worth living for? In this session, we'll confront ideals that degrade people and unpack Jesus' answer that the good life is found in community.

Filming Location: Seoul, South Korea


How Should Humans Live?

A quick scroll through the news is a sad reminder that our world is full of broken relationships, but can they be fixed? In this final session, we'll wrestle with demoralizing ideas and investigate how Jesus not only taught, but lived out, what it looks like to mend our broken relationships.

Filming Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Photo of Andy Steiger in Uganda


Andy Steiger is the founder and president of Apologetics Canada, an organization dedicated to helping churches across Canada better understand and engage today’s culture. Most recently, he wrote the book Reclaimed: How Jesus Restores Our Humanity in a Dehumanized World, which was preceded by The Human Project. He also created and hosted The Thinking Series and is the author of Thinking? Answering Life’s Five Biggest Questions. Andy speaks on these topics internationally at universities, conferences, churches, prisons and coffee shops. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. Andy is originally from Portland, Oregon and currently lives in Abbotsford, British Columbia with his wife, Nancy, and their boys.

The worst atrocities of history occurred because nations forgot what it means to be a human made in the image of God. In a technological age, history is in danger of repeating itself. I warmly commend The Human Project and its goal of pointing people to the God, in relationship with whom we become truly human. We have never lived in a time like this and the work of The Human Project has never been more important."

Justin Brierley  ✷  Unbelievable? radio show and podcast host


Order this 4-part video series designed to encourage discussion on dehumanization and to demonstrate how the Gospel humanizes.


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